New Year Resolution - A Commitment to Enhance the experience of life
New Year brings immense amount festive atmosphere across the globe. People tend to wish their loved ones, relatives and neighbours to have a great year through every mode of communication. It’s time for some people to be extravagant in their spending, completely intoxicated, manifesting reckless behaviour as their rational thinking would be eclipsed by their frantic behavior. Some people would indulge in lighting the fireworks which may probably overshadow the twinkling stars in the sky at least for some time. Prudent individuals wouldn't simply celebrate New Year just as its going to be a new episode in their life. They would make introspection and self-evaluation about the activities that they have involved in throughout the year. They would be interested in the performance that they have achieved in the year as compared to the previous year with their analytical data. They would also set new objectives for ensuing year and ...