Protests - A legitimate Right - Democracy

The people have inherited one of the fundamental rights to voice their views for any atrocities committed in the ecosystem. A cause is the tipping point for a movement and to bring change in existing policies and procedures of a sovereign country . A protest often turns out like a wildfire and influences millions of people to heed to it and be part of the demonstration. The movement  have remarkably  toppled the Dictators, indifferent Government , and atrocities of authorities on  their subjects across various countries. At times the people amplify the magnitude of protests through their word of mouth, or through Media or social media channels.
One of the kinds of manifestation of the anger of  multitude of people is to gather at a place and the main leader of such protests would tend to go for indefinite fasting to get a response from the authorities or Government. It also brings a kind of sympathy wave across the globe and the Media blows things out of proportion.

Protests are being used as tool by the criminals disguising themselves as ethically good as part of the movement, contrarily, they vandalize and loot the business enterprises. Thus, they create a havoc and commotion, the police unable to contain the atrocities. The thugs in the gathering tend to have duel with the police and create a disorder , impacting the peaceful movement initiated by the righteous ones.

Protests can at times stay on for certain period and see its decline due to less participation by the people. Protest is a powerful mechanism if its used for the noble cause and to achieve the desired results. There is every probability, protests are derailed by the chief architects of it for their self-seeking approach. There is quite a lot of examples where people who have misused protests.

Protests shouldn't wreck-havoc the social harmony and normal functioning of the system, contrarily, it should send a stern message to the perpetrators of wrong doings and to caution them about the impending consequences if they do not uphold ethics.

Everyone should respect protests if its a peaceful one .


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