Telugu – Genre (Family Drama) Cast: Ram Charan, Kajal Agarwal, Srikanth, Prakash Raj, Kamalinee Mukherjee, Jayasudha, Rahman, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Rao Ramesh, Kota Srinivasa Rao; Director: Krishna Vamsi; Music : Yuvan Shankar Raja Rating:3/5 The central idea of the movie revolves around the efforts of Ram charan to reunite his father Rahman with his Grandfather Prakash Raj . There was a tussle between his father and grandfather which lead Rahman to move to London. Prakash Raj expects his son to serve the people of his village as a Doctor but Rahman with his aspiration to go to abroad, to become popular and make wealth which is primarily contrary to his father’s idea, and at the very outset despises his father’s commandment. This actually drifts the relationship between Prakashraj and Rahman. The entire episode of reuniting his father and the intricacies involved in dealing with it and how he turns victorious in this battle forms the rest of the story. Over the years, the ex...