Baahubali Storm - an HYPE or Marketing Strategy - Power of Content

Meticulous Marketing Strategy by Baahubali team – Paid off with stupendous return on investment The meticulous marketing strategy adopted by the Baahubali Team right from the very outset is an eye opener for the other film makers to follow-suit. They released the making videos on the eve of the birthdays of their Principal character start cast of the film. It really had some eye captivating visuals, coupled with good backing by the movie lovers on the social media to retweet , like or share them to increase its penetration . Indeed, it created a ripple effect and increased the intensity among the viewers to experience the movie on the first day of its release on the silver screen. Movie Maverick SS Rajamouli believed in a unique approach of unveiling the principal characters of the movie in the month of may, released the impactful posters of characters of the movie on alternative days. These pictures were trending on both Facebook and Twitter; it really created the hype, intensit...