SpokePersons of Political Parities - Bizarre Media Debate
Spokespersons of Political Parities - Bizarre Media Debate
Its been quite while a we have been listening to the Indian Media hosting debates to discuss on various significant issues of National Importance. The experience has been quite devastating , at times stressful, or perhaps might supersede the boisterous noise of war zone. If the debate is based on the merits to attack the opponents, that can be embraced by the people. We cannot endure the pain of listing to the personal attacks by the panellists as opposed to making pertinent points. The end result of any debate must be to come to a consensus agreement in a pragmatic manner. The harsh reality is that the spokespersons of the political class wants to defend their own party ignoring the aspirations of millions of people. The people empower and give the complete mandate to political parties not to indulge in making accusations and counter accusations.
The Media isn't playing the kind of role that we expect to witness in the contemporary India. They do not have the skills to moderate and control the panellists from attacking each other. It doesn't appear to be a rational debate instead everyone trying to strike at each other, without allowing others to completely provide their views. If this continues, people would get distressed, probably, start despising the Indian Media Debate.
Its hight time that we foster a kind of culture that everyone tend to behave in a more professional way and also educate the people to win debate is through factual and pertinent points. They must strictly adhere to this mantra and create a culture of mutual respect which would pave the way for others to follow-suit it.
There must also be a immense research being done by the panellists, the anchor and host of others. India is increasingly becoming competent, are we sending the right message to the next generation is the question needs to be answered.
Let us be optimistic that there would be a transition by eradicating these kind of perils and would see the Media and the spokespersons become more mature to take country ahead that we aspire to become a developed nation.
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