
Showing posts from January, 2017

Legacy of Barack Obama

One of the greatest orators of world can easibly be referred to the President of United States of America. The man who captivated the worlds attension with his gofted oratory and inspiring speeches. The man who was able navigate the headwinds during 2008 Elections. The man who had to restore the confidence of citizens of the country and business leaders during great recession. The man who pulled back troops from Iraq to end the war on terror. The man who magaed the financial clip. The man who strategically controlled North Korea of its bellicose threats nuclear weapins. The man who embrolied in war of words russian vladir putin in the syrian civil war. The man tried to address the issue of dangerous epidemic Ebola virus. The man who is compassonate to resuce the syrian refugees. The man worried about the cyber attacks from russia and china. The man who never indulged in any contoversis. The man who gave importance to family and his fitnees. The man was one of the best predients of all...

Trust is crucified for Self goals.

Trust is something like a mirror it will reflect the trurh. Unfortunately, the human beings misuse the sanctity of it for their self-centrics needs. The mortal human beings indulge in such acts at the cost of fellow human beings by breaching the covnent of relationships. Its natural that there is a quid pro quo in every relationship thats exits on this earth for a consideration. We can talk and pass laws to uphold morality, somewhere dent is created by the perpetrarors. Hence,  there is nothing beyond your common sense triggered by rational thing coupled with one's own reserch to make judemental decisions. Yes, this earthly life would compel the people to gain more purching power to enhance their standard of living, there is nothing wrong about it. Its their deceprive practices is what agonising. Can we see a great ecosystem with undetlying priciple live and let live, which seem to be surreal and never materialize. How about the mystics, gurus, evangelists and the rest falling int...