Bangalore - A Beautiful City no longer a beauty
Bangalore has been a great place to live and thrive for many years. The exodus of people from across the country is palpable. Initially, the people were migrating from Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, but, the current trend doesn't have any boundaries. Its appalling to see African Nationals thronging to the city , they seem like students. Does Bangalore has the capabilities to accommodate the cramming population and the resources to meet the ramifications of it. Are the government is really making a realistic estimate of the consequences of this ever exceptional growth of denisity of population across Bangalore. Aren't they able to gauge the biggest menace at the moment with pollution, traffic rampant across the city. The city's traditional outlook being replaced by the ultra-modern generation embracing the change and being the ambassadors of change. The ever increasing cost of education, can the middle and lower middle class be able to provide a appropriate edu...